How To Get and Stay Unstuck - 4 Steps

Not again! I don’t want to get derailed. Not now! And just when I started gaining some positive momentum. Things were going so well, or so I thought and now here I am stuck again!Get and Stay Un stuckRather than moving forward, my wheels are spinning. It seemed that I was finally making progress, but…now, one wheel is back in the rut, and I feel like I’m slipping….sliding….oh no, I am being sucked back into the pit. Once again I am stuck.How I hate being stuck. Feeling ashamed. Lost, desperate, and confused.  Like I will never get my act together. And feeling needy. Oh, how I hate feeling needy.[clickToTweet tweet="Ever wonder > What can I do to get out of this rut before it becomes my grave?" quote="'What can I do to get out of this rut before it becomes my grave?'"]Ever been there? Yeah, me too.Let’s face it. We all get stuck once in a while. But not all stuck is the same. Sometimes we just need to know the direction in which to go and we get can unstuck on our own. Other times we are so far in the rut that we require assistance getting out the rut.Not all stuck is alike. It’s important to distinguish the difference as it helps in developing your approach to getting unstuck.Here are seven of the common ways people get stuck.

  1. Stuck in a rut. Of course, there is more than one rut that people fall into. But often a common characteristic of ruts is there are located in your comfort zone. You keep doing what’s comfortable and expect a different result. (Einstein had something to say about that.)
  2. Stuck between a rock and a hard place. You have a decision to make and you don’t like either option. Sooner or later you’ll have to choose one or you’ll find yourself stuck in the rut of indecision.
  3. Stuck in the middle. There are many middles where people get stuck. Sometimes the middle is a half-way point on a longer journey where you’ve gone far enough that going back isn’t a good option, but you don’t yet see the destination.
  4. Stuck in the mud. In my experience, this usually happens when I was trying to take a short-cut and left the prescribed path to find a better way. This kind of stuck almost always requires help from someone else to get out.
  5. Stuck on an island. Very few people find themselves stuck on a literal island. However, millions of people are stuck on islands of isolation because they have alienated themselves from others.
  6. Stuck in quicksand. As a kid who watched too many Westerns, getting stuck in quicksand was one of my greatest childhood fears. I’ve never seen a pit of quicksand, but I have seen pits of despair and depression. If you’re in a pit, you probably will need help getting out.
  7. Stuck in traffic. If you live in a major metropolitan area and are trying to go to the same place as everybody at the same time, sooner or later, you will hit traffic.

4 Easy Doable Steps to Take When You Are Stuck

How do you get unstuck? Well, I don’t mean to sound like a consultant and says, “It depends.” But, it depends on what kind of stuck you are and where you are stuck.The marketing side of me wanted to call these easy steps. The compassionate side of me would not let me.[clickToTweet tweet="Ever been so 'steeped in stuck' that nothing seemed easy. Not easy, but doable! " quote="Trust me; there are times I’ve been so 'steeped in stuck' that nothing seemed easy. This isn't easy but it is doable! "]

The 3 N Framework

“Where are you now?” is a great question to ask. It's even better when you can answer it. Admitting you are stuck is the first step to getting unstuck.“What’s got you stuck?” or even “What kind of stuck are you?” is also helpful.“What is your next step forward?” Put another way, “What is the next right action you need to take?” Don't insist on seeing the whole path before taking action. Take the next step.

[clickToTweet tweet="It's hard to steer a parked car. Get moving and course correct as you go." quote="It's hard to steer a parked car. Get moving and course correct as you go."]

“Is there something new you should adopt or implement?” Be open to doing, or at least exploring, new ideas, options, and alternatives.I have found now, next, and new to be incredibly helpful at getting unstuck.Of course, there are times when it is absolutely essential to ask,“Who can help?” especially in those situations where you are seriously stuck and need someone to help you get unstuck. If you need help, use your phone a friend lifeline and call someone.Regarding getting stuck in traffic...well, that is just part of life for many. When you get stuck in traffic, you have to develop coping mechanisms to maintain your sanity and avoid road rage - meditate, practice deep breathing, listen to calming music. And when you've had enough, do what me and millions of others have done, take the entrepreneurial leap. Traffic was one of the big motivators for me back in 2001.

Staying Unstuck

Once you are unstuck, you want to stay that way. Here are my best tips for staying unstuck:

  • Develop a daily routine that anchors you in the right mindset. It is almost impossible to overstate the importance of establishing a daily routine to help you manage your mindset.
  • Be part of a community where care, connection, and accountability are mutual and free-flowing. There are all kinds of communities where you can belong. Some are naturally occurring communities through a church, work, or other points of commonality. Other communities are created by intent and design — like civic clubs, professional associations, networking or mastermind groups. I have found membership masterminds highly helpful. Contact me if you want to explore joining the Higher Purpose Mastermind I formed, I would love to discuss it with you.

Even when you are taking preventive measures to avoid getting stuck, you may still occasionally get stuck. When those instances arise, call on a friend, so you don’t waste time or energy staying stuck.Photo credit belongs to fouroaks and was obtained through


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WHY Conversations: The Empty Nest Edition