Creating Your Masterpiece Mindset

If you want to get the most out of this post, click here to download your Masterpiece Mindset worksheet. Imagine with me for a moment that you are an artist. Let's say you are a painter; and while we are at it, let's make you a world-class one too.Before you is a blank canvas. On it, you are about to create a masterpiece. Maybe you will paint a landscape of the mountains, the sea, or a stunning sunset.Beautiful woman holding a paintbrush and colors coming out of her Masterpiece MindsetWhatever you choose to create as an artist, there is one element that is a constant. You begin with three primary colors. In the artist's world, those are red, yellow, and blue. Any and every color you use to create your work of art involves some blend of those three colors.Newsflash! You are an artist. Your life is your canvas. What are you creating on it?You have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to create your masterpiece. You add a bit more to it each and every day.But in this instance, you are not using a brush and colors. This canvas is your mind.Instead of paint, you are using thoughts and ideas that shape your beliefs. These beliefs become your mindset. Your mindset either allows and encourages you to create new works of art. Or it stifles any chance of creativity by reinforcing the idea that you are incapable of producing anything of beauty.Imagine you have the opportunity to select the three key ingredients that you will use as the primary colors of your mindset.In reality, that choice is yours. Let me explain.Your mindset may be your greatest ally or worst enemy. But whatever your mindset is at this moment, please realize it is not set in stone.YOU and only you can change, alter, or regulate your mindset. You do it every day by what you feed your mind. What you see, hear, and ponder shapes your mindset.Even the people you hang out with shape your mindset. That led Jim Rohn to suggest,

You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.

What mindset do you want? 

Perhaps the better question is, what mindset will best enable you to fulfill your hopes, dreams, and aspirations?Suppose that your mindset is your color palette and in this universe, you get to select your three primary colors. It is with those three colors that you will create the blends and hues of everything in your masterpiece.You might want to choose carefully. Remember, these three primary colors will show up in everything you create.What three colors (mindsets) will you select?Let me share mine.I don't share these to impress you, but rather to illustrate the process and encourage you to consider what mindsets you want to cultivate that will serve you best on your journey.


I like to shine. Like the beacon of a lighthouse. I adore how Anne Lamott described it,

Lighthouses don’t go running all over an island looking for boats to save; they just stand there shining

You have a light, and you are light. When you are your radiant self, people are drawn to you. Technically, it is the light that draws them, like a lighthouse.Apart from the glowing light, no sailor would ever find the lighthouse when tossing about a stormy sea. It's not the building that draws them; it is the radiance of the light within that guides them. The light shines through the darkness and illuminates the way.[clickToTweet tweet="When you are radiant, you light up the room the moment you enter it. " quote="When you are radiant, you light up the room the moment you enter it. "]People are drawn to you even if they cannot explain why.I've seen this in action -- over and over again. People like being around others who are radiant; the warm glow pulls them in. Radiant people beam hope and broadcast positivity. You feel better just being in their presence.Not so, when the radiance dims and instead you are dull, dark, and dim. You become David or Debbie Downer. These people are like Eeyore and Henny Penny. If they stumbled on a million dollars all, they would see the tax liability they now have. Get stuck by them at a picnic or a party? Oh my gosh, just shoot me now!I aspire to be radiant. It's definitely one of my primary colors.Lighthouse shining in a storm


In addition to being radiant, I want to be abundant and have a mindset of abundance. This is the belief that there is plenty to go around. I want to live in perpetual states of generosity. Not trying to hoard to make sure I get enough, but freely sharing and making sure others have what they need.I have lived enough of my life in the Land of Lack; don't want to live there anymore. I know what it's like to always be thinking of what you lack, rather than what you have.Brené Brown has my gratitude for giving me the courage to dare greatly and live abundantly.[clickToTweet tweet="You are enough, you have enough! Don't believe the lies that tell you otherwise. " quote="You are enough, you have enough! Don't believe the lies that tell you otherwise. "]


Looking at my palette, what is the other essential element needed to complement radiance and abundance? For me, it's being present. Wherever I am, to be fully there. And only there.Being present requires setting boundaries on technology. When you are face-to-face with your family or friends, say goodbye to your Facebook 'friends.' Make every moment count — especially the in-person moments.Being present also means being present to the people around you or that cross your path. Even in brief encounters.Discover ways to connect with cashiers, baristas, or servers. They genuinely appreciate it, because it is increasingly rare. You have dozens of moments every single day to make someone’s day and lighten their load. Be present!Being present also means being present to the task at hand rather than attempting to multi-task. Focus on what you are doing now. That's a topic for another post.

Hypocritical or Aspirational  

PLEASE do not hear (or read) this to mean that I have got this down. That I never have a bad day. Right now there's a stadium full of voices in my head shouting "hypocrite!" It seems so loud that you might have even heard them where you are.Just ask any of my family members or close friends -- they will quickly remove any doubt. However, I believe they would also validate that they love it when I am radiant, abundant, and present. You see, they know the difference.This is not hypocritical, it's aspirational.All of it. RAP'ping -- being radiant, abundant, and present are aspirations for me. I have not mastered any of them. Yet, I have experienced them enough to know that being radiant, abundant, and present is how I want to be. All of the time I possibly can.Since I am still in the mastery process, I need help to keep me on the path. I have notes and index cards in all kinds of places. I even have calendar alerts that go off three times a day. It’s usually the first thing I see when I look at my phone (unless I’m up before 5:00 am). Another reminder at midday and then just as I am wrapping up work for the day. It's not just about work, it's a mindset for life.

Now it’s your turn to paint

What are the three mindsets you really want to integrate into your life and daily practice? Invest some time to ponder them. Then find ways that work for you to inculcate them into your life through daily practice.Let me know when you do. You can post it in the comments or Tweet it to me -- @kevin_monroe.What can you do right now?

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  • Join the Living Your WHY Facebook Group.
  • Participate with me for a Facebook Live session next week about mindsets.
  • Schedule a quick connect call with me. We will discuss whatever is on your mind.
  • Use the free downloadable worksheet to identify the primary colors of your mindset.

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