Higher Purpose Podcast 100: Waves and Ripples
The Higher Purpose Podcast has reached its 100th episode. Now, that's a cause for celebration. And to mark this significant milestone, we will be hearing from guests all around the world about their experience with our fellow host Kevin Monroe, or their feedback on the podcast. Sit back, and enjoy!
Listen to the full episode
Always Count your Blessings
Kevin asks his audience, what is it they are grateful for? On his end, he proceeds by enumerating everything – and everyone – he is grateful for in his life, ranging from his children and grand-children that offer him humorous coffee mugs for Father's Day, to his encouraging wife Gwen who always believes in him, without leaving out a heartfelt tribute to his parents who he considers to be his heroes – his Mother, which he describes as a faithful servant who taught him humility, and his Father, who modeled authenticity and was the most comfortable-being-himself person Kevin has ever known.
Heroes -- Mentors -- Encouragers -- Allies
Listen to Kevin speak more about his early mentors in the very first episode of the Higher Purpose Podcast - Welcome to the Higher Purpose Podcast
Dick Gourley from Northern California says he looks up to Kevin's leadership and pursuit of a Higher Purpose life.
Some of the other people Kevin would like to express gratitude for are:
Christy Kern and Megan and Audra from One Stone Creative
Mike Vacanti, says it was an honor to be invited on one of the episodes, and how the friendships that have been created between the people that have connected him to Kevin, and Kevin to other people constitute a beautiful journey.
And of course - every guest who has been on the show - and every listener!
Humans First Heroes
Sesil Pir from Zurich loves listening to the podcast because she believes humanity is facing a crisis of leadership, and she loves being able to connect with people who are sitting with deep existential questions.
Many Ways to Celebrate
There are so many possible ways to celebrate the 100th episode of a podcast or any show for that matter. First off, Kevin explains how the 100th-episode-milestone is always a 'big deal' in business, simply because it is a reminder of success – and how many (most, even) podcasts don't get to make it that far. What are some of the ways other podcasters have celebrated their 100th mark? Kevin shares a few such as highlights, navel-gazing – some kind of introspective look on failures, successes, low and high moments of the podcast – and having special guests on the show. Which brings us to our next point…
Some Favorite Episodes...
Garry Turner from the U.K, shares his favorite episode of the podcast: a conversation Bob Chapman. He thanks Kevin, for also connecting him to one guest of the show, Oscar Trimboli who gave him a live coaching session that encouraged Garry to send a proposal to his CEO, which wouldn’t have happened otherwise.
Sonja Gerard says what resonated with her the most was the deep listening session with Oscar Trimboli, which she found to be calming and comforting. It has encouraged her to try and pause before speaking and truly listening to the other person.
Josia Nakash in Israel loves the episode with Traci Fenton and tells us how every time she listens to an episode, she thinks to herself 'this is amazing, it can't get any better than this' but then, she is more amazed with the following week's release. What she loves most is Kevin's passion and his branding.
The Top 10 Episodes from the first 99
10. Cultivating Joy with Rich Sheridan
9. The 7 Laws of Employee Loyalty with Heather Younger
8. Story Driven with Bernadette Jiwa
7. Being a Brave Leader with Kimberly Davis
6. Allowing Humans to be Human with Mark LeBusque
5. How Leadership is Evolving with Sesil Pir
4. Being a Chief Heart Officer with Claude Silver
3. Everybody Matters with Bob Chapman
2. Pivoting your Life and Living Your Purpose with Chris Patton
1. Being Afraid to Hope with Dr. Rick Rigsby
The People's Voice
Kevin mentions all of his guests are special, so none of these methods really resonate with him. That's why he saw it fitting to stay true to the foundation of the Higher Purpose Podcast and apply the three C's: Connection, Conversation and Community - and decided to put together a beautiful 'audio mosaic' for this 100th episode, hearing from fellow listeners just like yourselves from all over the world, about what moved them, inspired and affected them throughout the podcast. Let's have a look!
The Three C’s...
Craig Thomas from South Africa, tells us how he can always count on the Higher Purpose Podcast to lift up his day, no matter how badly it is going.
Megan Dougherty from Canada shares how as a listener she truly enjoys the spirit of generosity with which Kevin and his guests share their passions. Listening to the Higher Purpose Podcast is, as she calls it, 'a bright, calm spot in the week.'
Michael Hudson from Delaware, tells us what he loves most is the thought provocation that comes from the interviews – how it always keeps his mind stimulated because finding your purpose is something he holds dear.
Looking to the Future...
This has been a powerful journey - and what comes next is even more exciting.
Steve Foran from Halifax shares how he gets something from every single episode. He loves Kevin's uplifting energy and is able to share what he learned with friends, colleagues and clients.
A Final Thought
Gab Ciminelli in Japan calls the Higher Purpose Podcast a 'Celebration of People, Life and Love.' He mentions Kevin's wonderful ways of bringing people together for deep and meaningful discussions.
Thanks for joining the celebration of our 100th episode milestone. There’s a quotation attributed to Woody Allen, “80% of success is showing up.” Another way to say that is, you never finish anything you don’t start. I remember receiving an email from a friend in January of this year. “79 episodes? Wow. I’m inspired by your commitment, by the content itself, and by your positive energy. “It really is amazing what you – and I mean YOU can accomplish once you start something and “keep showing up.” How did we get to 100 episodes? One episode at a time…week after week and thanks to the encouragement of others, I just kept showing up.
Thank you for showing up and joining in to listen to Episode 100. I hope you’re inspired to take the next step on your journey – however small or insignificant it might seem. TAKE IT TODAY…and then take the next one tomorrow…