HPP Episode 30 - Interview with Chris Patton

Business owners and entrepreneurs, especially the purpose-powered ones, tell about a time in their careers and lives when they made a pivot. And most of the time, they talk in past tense. What’s done is done, so you don’t always get a real-time sense of what it’s like to initiate and experience it for yourself. Today Kevin talks with Chris Patton about the major purpose pivot he’s undertaking, and what it’s like to make the change. Are you right to want to pivot toward purpose?Listen to the full episode:

  • Have you ever stopped and wondered what the heck you’re doing with your life, and whether or not it’s authentic to who you are? Chris shares the breaking point in his own life that precipitated the change he’s going through now.
  • What does it mean to live an integrated, authentic life? Especially in a world that expects you to put neat dividers between the different facets of who you are: faith, politics, family, and work.
  • When people talk about their own pivots, they don’t often talk about the struggles of making them happen. You hear their stories and it was like the heavens opened up and a new path was paved. That’s not always the case. Chris shares how he designed his day to keep some sort of balance for all the things in his life.
  • Have you ever heard of increasing your impact by going from a mentality of addition to one of multiplication? Chris talks about the idea that his own shift was focused on increasing what he was able to do for others around him, and the addition to multiplication shift was integral.
  • Chris is making a life-changing shift and he’s come across some great advice that he’s found to be true. He shares several of the things that began his pivot and some of what he’s using now to make that pivot a success. He also shares how you can sabotage yourself when looking for advice.

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HPP Episode 31 - The Primary Colors of Servant Leadership


HPP Episode 29 - Interview with Jeff Harmon