Seeing Through Different Lenses

When challenges come or a crisis arises, it's so easy to lose perspective…

— for the challenge of the moment to loom so large in your focus
— to think all hope is gone
— to believe EVERYTHING is going wrong.

Rarely, if ever, is that the whole truth!

Even on your worst days, in the darkest of times, there is still some good good going on…something to be grateful for.

They call it ‘selective attention’ our cognitive bias that causes us to focus on certain information while ignoring other information.

In some situations - like impending physical danger - selective attention is vital, it saves your life.

In other situations — receiving bad news, losing a job, a financial setback — selective attention robs your hope.

When we focus on everything that's going wrong, we can easily lose sight of the things that are going right. And some things are still going right…even on your worst day.

This can lead to a sense of hopelessness and despair.

But when we take the time to appreciate the good things in our lives, we can shift our perspective and find hope.

That is part of the power of gratitude!

Gratitude helps us to focus on the present moment. When we're grateful, we're less likely to get completely overwhelmed by the past or worry about the future.

Gratitude helps us to appreciate the good things in our lives , nature, or the world. Even in the midst of challenges, there are always things to be grateful for.

Gratitude helps us to connect with others. When we express our gratitude to others, we strengthen our relationships and build community.

Gratitude helps us to cope with stress and adversity. When we're grateful, we're more resilient and better able to handle difficult situations.

Fight your hopelessness and despair with gratitude, and see how it changes your perspective.

See the world with a fresh and grateful perspective everyday!

Sign up now to join our guided daily journal in experiencing the ultimate power of gratitude.

Through FLOURISH, we provide a supportive journey exploring abundant, meaningful gratitude that fosters resilience against life's adversities, generates deep-seated contentment, and motivates consistent personal transformation, all wrapped in an inspiration-filled, engaging shared experience.

Discover more of FLOURISH here.


The Significant Mindset Shift


The Bearer of Change