The Significant Mindset Shift

Ever had a day, when your first thought was "I didn't get enough sleep"?

I'm guessing you have. We all do.

Did you know that for millions of people in the modern world, "I didn't get enough sleep" is usually their first thought of EVERY DAY!

Then, hours later, as they are wearily collapsing back into bed, their last thought, more often than not, is "I didn't get enough done!"

If those two thoughts bookend your day... I can only imagine how many other thoughts of NOT HAVING, DOING, or BEING ENOUGH bombard your mind.

I've BEEN there... way more times than I care to count.

I used this slide for the first time yesterday in the Grateful Leader, Thriving Business Masterclass to visually, and viscerally, illustrate the Scarcity Loop.

There is an option.

Gratitude is the escape button.

When you catch yourself swirling the drain, caught in the sucking vortex of not having, being, or doing enough...

Find something, somewhere that is good, beautiful, or lovely...and focus on it for a few moments. Express gratitude for it.

Break the cycle...
Shift your mind from scarcity to abundance.

Struggling with this significant mindset shift? Writing your thoughts out with the help of gratitude can help you make the switch from scarcity to abundance.

You’re not alone in this journey. Sign up today to join our guided daily journal in experiencing the ultimate power of gratitude.

Through FLOURISH, we provide a supportive journey exploring abundant, meaningful gratitude that fosters resilience against life's adversities, generates deep-seated contentment, and motivates consistent personal transformation, all wrapped in an inspiration-filled, engaging shared experience.

Discover more of FLOURISH here.


The Need to Always PUSH


Seeing Through Different Lenses