I Wish That I Could Be Like the Cool Kids

I Wish That I Could Be Like The Cool KidsDo you ever catch yourself singing along? It’s easy, simple words and a catchy tune,“I wish that I could be like the cool kids‘Cause all the cool kids, they seem to fit in”If you are not familiar with the song, you can watch it here.[video width="640" height="360" mp4="http://kevindmonroe.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Echosmith-Cool-Kids-Official-Music-Video-copy.mp4"][/video]Besides being a catchy tune, and the debut hit of the group Echosmith, the song is also a succinct social commentary of the yearning of millions.Millions of children whether they are in elementary, middle, or high school want to be one of the cool kids.But it doesn’t stop there. Millions of young adults continue their quest for cool. Unfortunately, the quest for cool extends way into adulthood for millions. It doesn’t end just because you turned 30 either. Nor at the following decades of 40, 50, 60, or even 70.This song captures the angst of millions, possibly even billions, worldwide. It’s the quest to fit in, to belong, to be cool. Granted, what it means to be cool varies from one culture to another, but the quest for cool is universal.[clickToTweet tweet="The quest for cool might undermine your quest 2B authentic to find + fulfill your life purpose. " quote="More pointedly, the quest for cool might undermine your quest to be authentic, to find and fulfill your purpose. To live your WHY. "]

Why Let the Cool Kids Set the Standards?

Here’s what I’ve seen. Wherever you go, there’s always a group of “cool kids” who see themselves and want you to see them as the standard bearers of what it means to belong. Really, who died and made them king or queen?Think about it. What are the standards by which you measure your success? Your happiness? Significance? Progress towards meaning, purpose, and fulfillment in life?Who said those standards of cool had to be yours?To paraphrase the line from Fight Club,

Have you ever bought something you didn’t need with money you didn’t have to impress somebody you didn’t like?

That’s insane!People do it every single day. In case you didn’t know, that’s the modus operandi of Madison Avenue. Buy this, wear this, drive this, live here, eat or vacation here and you’ll be cool. And you’ll have the social media posts to prove it.I’m amazed at how many people tell me they are working a job they don’t like (hate is the word I often hear) to fuel a lifestyle they didn’t honestly choose or don’t enjoy, so they can impress people whose opinions don’t matter.That’s no way to live!

Out of Step Doesn’t Mean Out of Sync

Have you ever stopped to wonder, what if being out of step with the cool kids doesn’t mean you are out of sync? What if it might mean the exact opposite?Being out of step might mean that you are getting in sync with your authentic self. Imagine defining your standard of success or significance and ‘being cool with it’; getting comfortable in your skin.Isn’t that what you want? To live the life that you want to live, to do the work you are called to do, to live where you choose to live and not be boxed in or out by the Joneses?That’s certainly my desire.For over a decade, I’ve worn primarily one of three brands of shoes: Ecco, Born, or Clark’s. Why?Is it because they are the most stylish shoes on the market? Probably not. In my opinion, these brands are the most comfortable shoes I’ve found. And I’ve tried all kinds. When our kids were teenagers, I got my fair share of grief; at times my shoes were a joke in our family.Here’s the point, I don’t buy shoes to impress you; I buy shoes for comfort. In my world, comfort is king! King is cool! Ergo, my shoes are cool.Why not extend that attitude to other areas of life besides something as fleeting as fashion trends?In the grand scheme of life, fads like fashion trends are trivial. Character is cool.[clickToTweet tweet="Is it wise to outsource your legacy to people whose opinion you don’t truly value?  " quote="Is it wise to outsource your legacy to people whose opinion you don’t truly value? I don’t think so. "]Take a close look at the lives of the people who serve as the judge and jury of your coolness. Do you want what they have?I hope so. If not, you need to make some changes. Recognize the truth is these wise words from Jim Rohn,

You’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with.

Be Your Own Kind of Cool

Lest you think this is solely a 21st Century phenomenon, recall the words of Henry David Thoreau:

If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.

[clickToTweet tweet="What's the song you hear that resonates with your heart? With your soul?" quote="What's the song you hear that resonates with you in your heart? With your soul?"]That’s the sound of your authentic self. That’s the song you want to ♥ and put on replay. As you listen, move in rhythm with its beat and live in harmony with its message.Do that and; you’ll discover that you instead of wishing to be a cool kid,  you’ll be your own kind of cool. The authentic you that only you can be.[clickToTweet tweet="It’s okay to be out of sync with the cool kids as long as you are in sync with your true self." quote="It’s okay to be out of sync with the cool kids and the culture of cool as long as you are in sync with your true self."]If you feel you need a permission slip, this is it! You don’t have to be a cool kid, just be your authentic self that’s the coolest person you can be.I know where you can find an authentic community to welcome you and support you in the quest of keep in step with the music you hear and pursuing your purpose. We call it Living Your WHY. If that appeals to you, please come and see for yourself.


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