The Purpose Manifesto
For years, I've been fascinated by the topic of purpose. Maybe it's because I'm a Baby Boomer or perhaps it was attending mandatory chapel services three times a week at Asbury during my freshman year of college. After all, it seemed that every other chapel speaker addressed the Why Are We Here question in one way or another.Earlier this year, I launched the Living Your WHY Facebook Group. It's a global community of people passionate about pursuing purpose. Since launching our community, I have engaged in countless conversations related to purpose.All of that led to my writing The Purpose Manifesto, a small e-book inviting you to give serious consideration to the why question of your life. Actually, my goal for The Purpose Manifesto is bigger. I want to move you to action and inspire you to start Living Your WHY.Honestly, my goal is even larger still. I hope you will get so excited about your WHY that you invite others to do the same.Let's launch a movement!Who knows? Part of your response may prompt you to join the Living Your WHY community. We'd love to have you join us. If you're not already a member, consider this your invitation to join us. To get your free copy of The Purpose Manifesto provide your information below and we will send your copy ASAP.[convertkit form=4955866]