The Power of Gratitude with Steve Foran and Lilian Jans Beken

One of today's guests is Steve Foran, the founder and CEO of Gratitude At Work, and the Forum Chair at MacKay CEO Forums. Steve’s mission is to shift corporate culture by helping companies bring gratitude to work each day. He’s accompanied by Lilian Jans Beken, who is a speaker, writer, researcher, and the founder and CEO of the Thriving Human Science Center. Lilian is often referred to as Dr. Gratitude because of her PhD in positive psychology. They both feature as the first guest speakers on this pilot episode of This Extraordinary Life. 

Being extraordinary and living an extraordinary life is a matter of choice and not chance. You already have everything you need to live this extraordinary life. In this exciting new podcast, Kevin Monroe provides listeners with the tools to maximize their life’s full potential by having stimulating, insightful conversations with highly successful professionals in various industries.

You’ll hear Kevin chat with Steve and Lilian about:

  1. What gratitude means to them.
  2. How gratitude helps you cope with difficult situations.
  3. How gratitude affects your perspective.
  4. The physiological benefits of practicing gratitude.
  5. How we can dig deep to find gratitude when it seems impossible.

Sandy Anderson and Rachel Drukenmiller of the This Extraordinary Life community share stories of how gratitude has recently impacted their lives.


Steve Foran on LinkedIn | Twitter

Lilian Jans Beken on LinkedIn | Twitter


Close Encounters of the Extraordinary Kind


The Final Episode