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Higher Purpose Podcast 97: Higher Purpose and Self Worth with Traci Fenton

Wouldn’t you love to live, lead, and work in freedom? Traci Fenton is the founder and CEO of a global leadership and transformation company called WorldBlu. What makes her company special is their unique model called ‘Freedom at Work,’ and helping people find freedom in their lives is the WorldBlu’s mission. They’ve worked with Zappos, Groupon, WD40 and 65 other countries worldwide. Listen to the full episode:

Freedom vs. Fear

Traci and WorldBlu teach people to live, lead, and work in freedom rather than fear. To do that, they tap into a deeper sense of love which results in freedom. In 20-something years of teaching this Traci realized something very important. Sometimes she would hit a brick wall with a company for no discernable reason. Traci discovered that most people have negative voices in their heads which directly affect self-worth, and if a CEO has self-worth issues, then they’re going to be threatened by employees with freedom. She shares one of the best - and worst - moments in her life at a Tony Robbins convention that drove this point home. And she also shares the profound reason why she doesn’t have the negative inner voice.

The Self-Worth Test

This isn’t a complicated test. In fact, you can do it right now. Answer this: On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your self-worth right now, and why? When Traci was speaking to a room of about 100 CEOs, she asked them this question and asked them to raise their hands if they had an 8 or higher. You’d expect most of them to raise their hands; they’re successful CEOs, after all. But only 3 raised their hands. That’s one thing, but the more interesting part is when they answer the ‘why’ part of the question. Traci shares some of the answers she received when she asked why people ranked themselves lower.

Why You Are a Perfect 10

True self-worth isn’t tied to anything outside of us. Our worth is inviolate and baked into who we are. Traci points out that our worth is separate from wanting to improve and always be better. She shares some of the common characteristics of people who understand their self-worth: joyous, humble, lifting others up, consistent, loving, and more. She shares something very profound: Your PURPOSE is your reason for being. Your MISSION is what you do with it. Traci shares a story about coaching her nieces and nephews the way she does adult CEOs, and the surprising revelation that came from it.

The Ultimate Protective Factor

Kevin and Traci can both agree that purpose is an anchor. It’s what protects you when the world presses in around you. Consider the connection between purpose and self-worth. When we have low self-worth, it’s ‘me’ thinking, whether it’s negative or not. But when our self-worth becomes higher, infused with purpose, the thinking turns outward and we’re committed to serving others. One exercise that Traci recommends is to have a mantra that you say to the ‘gremlins’ - the negative voices - as soon as they appear. She explains how this simple trick works and why it’s so effective.

Final Thoughts

Here’s a question to ask yourself when you’re dealing with negative gremlins and low self-worth. How would you handle the situation if you WEREN’T afraid, if you WEREN’T listening to those gremlins? Second, if you’re at a 4, what would it take to become a 5? Is it internal or external? Finally, if you decided to spend the rest of your day living and acting like a 10, what would that feel like? Traci encourages you to run an experiment for today: live it as a 10.



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