HPP Episode 24 - Insights About the Journey to Purpose

It's the beginning of a new year, and if you're like millions of other people, you've made aresolution to do better this year than last. Or maybe you're looking back at the past year andyou realize that you didn't achieve all you set out to, and it's disheartening. We've ALL beenthere. Don't despair; you might not be able to see it right away, you're closer than you've everbeen to your purpose. Today, Kevin shares his top 8 insights on your journey to purpose.Listen to the Full Episode:

  1. Listen to your life. Are you attentive to what your life has to say rather than telling yourlife what you have to say? Map out your life and your journey with this free download. (And the instructions!)
  2. Reconnect to your core. Your values, what matters most to you at your core, areuniquely yours, and you must live them uniquely.
  3. Embrace your gifts, talents, and abilities. Yes, you have all three of those, and if you'rehaving trouble identifying them, check out this episode with Thom Winninger.
  4. Who are the people, what is the place, or what is the issue that touches you mostdeeply and pulls on your heart strings?
  5. Where do these things intersect? Where the previous four things come together, that'syour sweet spot.
  6. Define, or redefine, success and failure. The ones you have now – did they belong tosomeone else? Are they in step with your new clarity?
  7. Be careful who you let speak into your life. This is a touchy subject, but Kevin explainswhat he means.
  8. Hold your understanding of your purpose loosely. It will change. There will be newiterations, and that is reason to celebrate.

Remember: purpose thrives in community and dies in isolation. If you're ready to jumpstartyour journey to purpose, now is the time to join our program. Spend time with otherswho are navigating north toward their purpose, and together, make 2018 a year to remember.


HPP Episode 25 - The Clarity Conundrum


HPP Episode 23 - Living, Working and Serving on Purpose