Hardwired For A Higher Purpose: Yes, You

Abstract electric circuit digital brain,technology conceptYou are on a quest. As am I. It's great that our paths have crossed at this time in our respective journeys.All of humanity is invited to join this quest.  Viktor Frankl called it the search for meaning. Yes, deep inside, we want to believe life has meaning and purpose. That it’s no accident that we’re here and that there’s more to life than bumbling and stumbling through it.It’s not enough to believe there is meaning and purpose to life in some broad,  generic sense. Each of us wants to believe there is meaning and purpose to our life.You want to believe it’s true for you, just as much as I do for me. And you want to discover, embrace, and fulfill your life’s purpose.We don’t want to be spectators, simply sitting on the sidelines or in the stands watching others as they live magnanimous lives of adventure and purpose while we muddle through the monotony and mediocrity of a mundane existence.Frankl had a label for that too. He called it the existential vacuum. The zombie-like state of bouncing from one activity to the next in hopes of drowning out the longings and emptiness we might otherwise have to acknowledge.And Frankl observed this boredom at a time when most televisions had only three channels. Of black and white pictures at that. News? It was delivered twice a day rather than every minute of every day.But that’s not the kind of person you are.You are one who has been awakened or aroused out of this existential vacuum and you are searching for answers or, at least, clues to the specific meaning of your life. And once you discover that meaning, you won’t be content until you find ways to live it out.

The Second Most Important Day of Your LIFE

There’s a great line attributed to Mark Twain, “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” Day one? Check! Yes you are alive.Day Two? Hold that thought for a moment, please.Solomon, highly regarded by many for his great wisdom, declared that God set eternity in the hearts of men and women. C.S. Lewis expounded on that a bit by saying, “If I find in myself desires which nothing in this world can satisfy, the only logical explanation is that I was made for another world.”Eternity in our hearts? Really? What does that mean? How can it fit?It means we have desires that aren’t satisfied simply by doing more, having more, or achieving more. These desires require us to become more.I see this as part and parcel of our search for meaning. It’s discovering the design and the designer of life. I call it higher purpose. We are all invited to higher purpose living. Living for something more and something beyond me, myself, and I.You are meant for more, but what more were you meant for?So what about your second most important day that Twain mentioned?

Discovering the why of your life. How do you do that?

That’s the quest. It’s what I call the Higher Purpose Pathway. And if you’re still reading, I’ve got great news for you. You’ve already begun the journey!Asking questions, coupled with a willingness to wrestle with your answers to those questions (and then acting on what you find) are essential elements. These help you unlock the doors and facilitate the discovery of who you are, why you are here, what your unique contribution to the world is, and the people or people groups you want to serve.The clues are abundant. As a matter of fact, they are all around and in you. You are uniquely made. There is no one else exactly like you. Even if you’re an identical twin.You are endowed with gifts talents, and abilities — strengths and skills. Your passions and perspectives are uniquely yours. What gives you great joy, what riles you up and gets your juices flowing — it’s all unique to you and revealing about you.Your specific journey, perspective, and life experiences make you one-of-a-kind.Besides that, there are some people (or people groups) for whom you have a soft spot in your heart. They are your others. The people for whom you want to make the world, or their world, a better place.

Higher purpose always includes someone else.

Jackie Robinson put it like this, "A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives.” You are not the center of the universe. Who is your other? Whose world do you long to impact?I want to help you discover the higher purpose of your life and the best next step for you to take to live into your higher purpose. I’ve got a resource to help on your quest. It’s five powerful questions to illuminate your path.Up and to the right is where you can download your free copy. Carve out 5 - 10 minutes to begin answering the five questions. You can complete it electronically or print it out and complete it manually. The key is finding your answers to these questions and taking your next step.Do it now. Take a bold step into your bright future. Discover the purpose you are hardwired to fulfill.


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