How to Find Your Life's Purpose...One Day, One Step At a Time

 We love the idea of overnight success. Let’s face it, many of us may even harbor dreams of one day being an overnight success.Split screen day and nightWe imagine stepping onto the stage, the big screen, or the red dot and in just a moment — 3 minutes of a song, 5 minutes of an interview, or 17 minutes of a TED Talk, we instantly become an overnight success. Instantly, we are transported from obscurity to having our own hashtag (#Kev — catchy, eh?)Really? Is that how it happens?Is that how you imagine living into your life’s purpose? One day, you just magically step into your destiny.Or it that the myth we hold on to?

Gradually, Then Suddenly

Perhaps Ernest Hemingway’s brilliant description of how people go bankrupt also applies to how we find and fulfill our purpose and destiny in life. When asked how people go bankrupt, Hemingway said, “Two ways. Gradually, then suddenly.”Think about it. Yes, there is a specific point in time people declare bankruptcy, but they were on the journey for months or even years leading up to that moment of “sudden” bankruptcy. It doesn’t happen overnight.[Tweet "Gradually, then suddenly, is how most of us discover our life’s purpose."]Consider this, even Jesus spent 30 years in relative obscurity before stepping onto the world stage. I imagine his life included some mundane moments working away in his father’s carpenter shop.I believe the same is true for how we find and fulfill our purpose in life.We don’t just wake up one morning and shazaam our life’s purpose happened overnight — while we were sleeping. On Monday life was dull, aimless, and unfulfilled only to awaken on Tuesday and “poof” we’re transported into a life filled with meaning and purpose.[Tweet "We live our way into life purpose one day, one decision at a time."]And for many of us, it’s a long and winding road we travelled to get there.

Profiles of Purpose

In Profiles of Purpose: Stories of High Achievers Who Chose Higher Purpose, I explore the pathways travelled by seven friends on their journeys to finding and fulfilling their higher purpose in life.And guess what? While each of them is a success in their own right, not one of them got there overnight. They each found their life purpose one day, one decision at a time.Get your copy of Profiles of Purpose exclusively from Amazon. As you read it, I trust you’ll be encouraged to take your next step on your journey to your higher purpose in life. If you've not yet downloaded your free copy of The 5 Questions You Must Answer To Align Yourself With Your Higher Purposegrab it too as it will help you.What's a decision you recently made that helped you align with your life's purpose? Please share it in the comments below.


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Which Road Did You Take On Your Way to Higher Purpose