The Common Characteristic of Greatness: An Epiphany

Business person having an idea light bulb conceptJust this week I had an epiphany! Lights went off, bells rang. Perhaps, you’re thinking, “That must've hurt.” A not-so-subtle reference to the great line from the movie, Hook. For those scratching your heads, “Say what?”, take a look.[video width="320" height="240" mp4=""][/video]But was my epiphany a flash of insight or has it been years in the making? Ah, that made me wonder,[clickToTweet tweet="Are epiphanies sudden flashes of insight or gradual awakenings of enlightenment? " quote="Are epiphanies sudden flashes of insight or gradual awakenings of enlightenment? "]Epiphanies can be either, and often are a combination of both.

Remember the story of Archimedes?

According to the story, Archimedes had been perplexed by a problem for some period.  King Hiero II was questioning the integrity of a local goldsmith he had commissioned to make his crown. He thought the craftsman had crafted a ruse to keep some of the gold for himself and substituted some inferior elements in the making of the king’s crown. Archimedes had been consulted to solve the problem.An exact solution had eluded him. He pondered this situation for days with no breakthrough.One day, as he stepped into his bathtub, he noticed the water responded to the weight of his body submerging into the tub. Instantly, he realized there was a flash of insight that would solve this problem. He was so moved by his discovery, that he literally, flashed through the streets of Syracuse shouting “Eureka, Eureka!” which means, “I found it!”Yes, there was a moment in which Archimedes had an amazing flash of insight, his eureka moment. However, one must wonder what role all of his pondering the king’s dilemma for days on end had in the timing of this epiphany. Absent that pondering, he might not have ever noticed the water rising in his tub or connected the dots that led to his theory of displacement.Here’s a cartoon summary of the story in case you're interested or want to share.

My Eureka Moment

Back to my epiphany. Through the years, I have been fortunate to work in or with the private, public, and social sectors. Despite my preconceived notions or stereotypes to the contrary, I discovered passionate people of purpose in every sector.[clickToTweet tweet=" No single #sector has a monopoly on virtue or vice. Saints and sinners are equally present in all. " quote=" No single sector has a monopoly on virtue or vice. Saints and sinners are equally present in all. "]There are paper pushers, people pleasers, and passionate pioneers in every sector.What is it that those passionate people all have in common? I’ve pondered that for years — consciously and subconsciously.Now, I’d love to tell you that I commissioned a leading research firm that conducted dozens of focus groups, market studies on seven continents, and thousands of qualitative one-on-one interviews with high achievers from all walks of life. Then, they combed through all of that data and found the one secret shared by all of those high achievers.And after all of that exhaustive research, I am now poised to share what they found. I could tell you that.But it wouldn’t be true. I have not (yet) commissioned that study or research. No, this is much more like Archimedes and his flash of insight. For years, I’ve wondered what it is that most of the extraordinary people I have met all have in common.And now, I think I know.Are you ready? Drumroll, please.The common characteristic shared by all of the extraordinary people I know: they are Living their WHY. That’s it!They are on the journey to discover the reason why they are here (on earth) and to somehow integrate that awareness into what they do.Many of the extraordinary people I know have found a way to express their why through their daily work. For others, it's through volunteerism or community involvement they demonstrate theirs. Still others, find their most authentic expression involves their faith and faith community.With every waking day, the people of purpose I’m blessed to know, recognize that as long as they have life and breath, there is a why for their existence.Our common quest of discovering and living your why is what unites us — regardless of where you live, work, or worship.Your mission, should you accept it, is to discover your why. Knowing is not enough. Once you discover it, you then find ways to live your why.How did my epiphany occur? Gradually, then suddenly.The 'gradually' part was meeting great people from all sectors over the past 20+ years. The 'suddenly' part happened recently. I am on a six-week blogging and connection blitz. Two friends encouraged me to start a Facebook Group. I did. We labeled it Living Your WHY.And it was only after launching the Living Your WHY group that I realized all of the amazing people I know can find a place of belonging there. Perhaps my epiphany began by my asking the question, “Who should I invite to join?”As I scrolled through my contacts, I remembered people who struck me as extraordinary across all sectors, countries, and cultures belong in this group. Living Your WHY connects and unites us.

Living Your WHY

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Oh the People You Will Meet on Your Way to WHY


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