Another New Start

Welcome to KevinDMonroe.comStarting. Over. Again. Do you ever feel like you're starting over again? You know like your first day at a new school or new job. Not knowing anybody. Not quite sure what to expect. Hoping you'll find some friendly faces and people that will look you in the eyes rather than looking the other way. People who will extend a hand and say, "Hi, you're new here, aren't you? Let me help you get acquainted."That's sorta what I feel writing this first post. It's a starting point. After all, this is my first entry on my new blog site. A site I said I'd never have. Yet, here it is after a year or so of putting it off. A site with my name as the domain. Yuck! I resisted this for years. Yet, now here it is and here I am.Starting over. This is not my first time blogging. I blogged for years through my company site, X Factor Consulting. Those posts were painful. Painful to write because they were written more like term papers than blog posts. And if I'll be honest, they were probably painful to read -- unless of course, you're a teacher or professor. Then they may have still been painful, but you might have had fun with your red pen.I also write some of the blog posts for Cairnway -- a boutique firm that I co-founded along with Joe Iarocci. Those posts center around our work in leadership development and servant leadership advancement.Starting over again. This is a fresh start. A new site. A home base where I write about things that may not neatly fit into the work I do through X Factor Consulting or Cairnway Center for Servant Leadership Excellence. Topics that are important to me. More importantly, I'm looking to connect in community with likeminded people from all around the world. Perhaps we live close enough together to connect for coffee. Or perhaps we'll have an opportunity to work in your company or community. Or maybe we just connect through sharing comments here or on other social media outlets.As we're just getting started, I'm inviting you to join our mailing list. At this moment, I don't have an incentive to offer. Just the offer of relationship to a community of likeminded people -- people of purpose and passion who want to offer their contribution to make the world better. I'd also love to connect with you on Twitter, LinkedIn, or Facebook.  


4 Revealing Responses to Mistakes


Is Servant Leadership Suffering an Image Problem?