Always be Acting

The other day, I was talking with a friend about something this week’s guest on the Higher Purpose Podcast said: “If you keep choosing action, you’ll keep finding clarity.”My friend nodded and said that was exactly right. She said: “when I’m stuck, even getting up and doing the dishes can be enough to get things moving forward again.”Recently, I had the pleasure of speaking with Jeff Goins, soon after his annual event Tribe – and we had a fascinating conversation about how to find your clarity, and your calling and your purpose by consistently taking action – even if you don’t YET know where you’re going to end up.You can listen to the full episode here – and I invite you to do so – but right now, I’d like to dig into that idea a little bit more.One of the ways Jeff recommended USING this principle of consistently taking action was at conferences.So often you go to a conference and get overwhelmed by information – hearing and seeing and learning so much that it’s hard to actually DO anything with it.And that’s such a shame because the real value of learning at an event like a conference, or reading a book, or even listening to a podcast comes from the action that you take because of it – the application of the new knowledge or idea that is going to bring a change to your business or your life.It’s better to take action on one single thing than to have 25 new things rattling around in your head going nowhere. I think this is a fantastic idea – especially as we’re preparing for the Navigating North Summit – to commit BEFORE you enter a “learning phase” to finding one thing you are going to take immediate, concrete action on.That’s my challenge for you today – when you are next planning to attend a conference, or read a book, or listen to an episode of a podcast, commit to finding one single thing in that pile of new information, and taking action on it immediately.You see, and Jeff talks about this in more detail in our interview, you can just BE the thing that you want to be and DO the things that you want to do – often what holds us back from that is fear of not knowing enough or being ready enough – but that’s a myth. As you act, you start to believe, and the more you believe the more true it becomes. This is a pattern that repeats itself in so many areas of our lives – and there is ALWAYS something that you can do next.There’s one more point to this that I think it’s important for you to take away and start acting on. It’s a point we’ve touched on before – that we don’t always have an awareness of how much we are affecting the people in our lives.  The people who create content and events and information, who give of their time and knowledge in dozens of ways often don’t get to see the results of their work – and there’s nothing that is more satisfying than hearing from a customer, or listener, or reader or friend that something you said made a measurable, noticeable difference for someone.So when you take action based on what you have learned from someone tell them!Some of the other topics that we talked about during our call were the three ingredients that make up a calling, the steps you need to take to get the most out of a mentorship relationship, and how having trust is more important than having clarity.This week in the Higher Purpose Facebook Community, we’re going to be discussing how clarity comes froma ctions not words, and the times in our life this has been true... or not.  I would love for you to join us there and share your thoughts.Until then, if you have done something lately, based on a new piece of information or advice you received – send a note to the person who shared it with you- I guarantee you that you’ll make their day.And if you’re looking for your next source of information, I invite you to register for a free ticket to the Navigating North Summit, where we have inspirational and revolutionary interviews scheduled with 15 guests to help you find and live the purpose you were wired for.


HPP Episode 14 - Interview with Kevin Monroe and Amy Robles


HPP Episode 13 - Interview with Jeff Goins